Why a Co-op?
What is a co-op?
A co-op, or cooperative, is a business that is owned and controlled by the people who use it--its member-owners.
Is a co-op the same as a non-profit?
Co-ops have a different ownership structure from many for-profit businesses, but they are not non-profits. Co-ops are owned by the people who use them, and they use their profits to improve their ability to meet the needs of their member-owners.
How does a cooperative grocery store work?
A co-op grocery store is a consumer co-op, which means that its owner-members are its customers. Co-op grocery stores are owned by the people who shop there. It’s member-owners participate in running the store, sometimes by volunteering time and services, but usually by selecting a manager who hires a staff and oversees the day-to-day operations.
How do you become a member-owner of a cooperative grocery store?
You become a member-owner by investing a one-time payment in exchange for an equity share in the co-op. This payment is usually in the range of $100-$300, and most co-ops have payment plans and funds to make membership as accessible as possible to all members of the community.
Do I have to be a member-owner to shop at a cooperative grocery store?
Some cooperative grocery stores only allow member-owners to shop there, but the Port Jervis co-op will be open to all who want to shop there. Member-owners might get a discount, or be paid dividends if the store is profitable.
How is a cooperative grocery store different from other grocery stores?
Other grocery stores are owned and controlled by a corporation and its investors. Their primary goal is to make a profit. Cooperative grocery stores are owned and controlled by their member-owners, the people who shop there. Their primary goal is to serve the needs of their member-owners and the people who shop there. Member-owners decide what kinds of products are sold in cooperative grocery stores, and what other features they have, like local produce, organic food, bulk items, prepared food, or salad bars. The profits earned by a cooperative grocery store stay in the community, through lower prices, fair wages for workers, local sourcing of products, and member-owner dividends.
I want to help bring a cooperative grocery store to Port Jervis. What can I do?
Sign-up for our mailing list! Talk to your friends and neighbors, volunteer your time! Take our survey!